Abeeway is a leading provider of disruptive IoT solutions for battery-powered tracking, based on innovative LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) network connectivity and a patented cloud-powered technology that makes positioning low power and more valuable. Abeeway offers its expertise and services to achieve powerful and complete geolocation solutions with shortest time-to-market, allowing it to be a true enabler for mass-market IoT sectors such as asset tracking and management, logistics, process optimization or safety of people, animals and objects. Abeeway's mission is to deliver a full visibility of your businesses and matters along with the tools to optimize and control them.
Abeeway has been founded by the creators of LoRaWanTM, and now it is a member of the LoRa AllianceTM: the largest, most powerful standards-based effort to enable the Internet of Things (IoT).
Since April 2017, Abeeway belongs to Actility group, an industry leader in LPWA large scale infrastructure with ThingPark®, the new generation standard-based IoT / M2M communication platform.
LoRaWAN GPS trackers for Mobile Assets and People - Abeeway
Abeeway offers patented ultra-low power tracking solutions that surpasse simple GPS. Our smart LoRaWAN trackers enable efficient management of your mobile and fixed assets, protecting people and monitoring animals, and offer the best autonomy on the market.
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